Password Policy Config

Password Policy Configs
- Password Policy Configs Manage
GET global/passwordPolicyConfig
PUT global/passwordPolicyConfig
Password Policy Config JSON Format

Password Policy Config is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

Name Type Description
isMinimumPasswordLengthEnabled bool Whether the Minimum Password Length is enabled or not.
isReusePreviousPasswordsPrevented bool Whether the Reuse Previous Passwords Prevented is enabled or not.
isPasswordExpiredInCertainDays bool Whether the Password Expired In Certain Days is enabled or not.
isPasswordComplexityRequired bool Whether the Password Complexity Required is enabled or not.
isPasswordContainingUsernamePrevented bool Whether the Password Containing Username Prevented is enabled or not.
isDailyPasswordChangeTimesLimited bool Whether the Daily Password Change Times Limited is enabled or not.
isSimplePasswordPrevented bool Whether simple and commonly used passwords are restricted or not.
isAgentLockedAfterCertainAttempts bool Whether the Agent Locked After Certain Attempts is enabled or not.
siteId integer Id of the site.
minimumPasswordLength integer Minimum length of the password.
previousPasswordsRemembered integer Number of the last passwords that can not be used this time.
maximumDailyPasswordChangeTimes integer Maximum number of password changes allowed daily.
maximumLoginAttemptsBeforeLock integer Maximum number of login attempts allowed before the account is locked.
passwordExpiredInCertainDays integer Number of days the password is valid for.
Get a single Password Policy Config

GET global/passwordPolicyConfig

No Parameters

Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'GET' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Update the Password Policy Config

PUT global/passwordPolicyConfig

Name Type In Required Description
isMinimumPasswordLengthEnabled bool body no Whether the Minimum Password Length is enabled or not.
isReusePreviousPasswordsPrevented bool body no Whether the Reuse Previous Passwords Prevented is enabled or not.
isPasswordExpiredInCertainDays bool body no Whether the Password Expired In Certain Days is enabled or not.
isPasswordComplexityRequired bool body no Whether the Password Complexity Required is enabled or not.
isPasswordContainingUsernamePrevented bool body no Whether the Password Containing Username Prevented is enabled or not.
isDailyPasswordChangeTimesLimited bool body no Whether the Daily Password Change Times Limited is enabled or not.
isSimplePasswordPrevented bool body no Whether simple and commonly used passwords are restricted or not.
isAgentLockedAfterCertainAttempts bool body no Whether the Agent Locked After Certain Attempts is enabled or not.
minimumPasswordLength integer body no Minimum length of the password.
previousPasswordsRemembered integer body no Number of the last passwords that can not be used this time.
maximumDailyPasswordChangeTimes integer body no Maximum number of password changes allowed daily.
maximumLoginAttemptsBeforeLock integer body no Maximum number of login attempts allowed before the account is locked.
passwordExpiredInCertainDays integer body no Number of days the password is valid for.

Sample Request:

curl \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"isMinimumPasswordLengthEnabled":false,"isReusePreviousPasswordsPrevented":false,"isPasswordExpiredInCertainDays":false,"isPasswordComplexityRequired":false,"isPasswordContainingUsernamePrevented":false,"isDailyPasswordChangeTimesLimited":false,"isSimplePasswordPrevented":false,"isAgentLockedAfterCertainAttempts":false,"minimumPasswordLength":6,"previousPasswordsRemembered":1,"maximumDailyPasswordChangeTimes":2,"maximumLoginAttemptsBeforeLock":6,"passwordExpiredInCertainDays":1}'


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
